
Table of Contents


We only accept Pirate Chain privacy cryptocurrency ($ARRR). The payment request links on this page will work with Pirate Chain Treasure Chest Full Node wallet software v5.8.2 and later.

NOTE: These payment links don't work on mobile apps, yet. For mobile, go to the bottom of the page and either copy/paste the wallet address itself or just scan the QR code into your mobile Pirate Chain wallet app.

Project Janus Details

All prices listed here are stable, pure $ARRR prices, rather than being in fiat currency, converted to unstable, relative $ARRR prices, that change from minute to minute, due to exchange rate and cryptocurrency/fiat price instability.

Exception: The prices listed here were initially set on 2024-05-20 from comparable fiat prices, due to lack of available, comparable pure $ARRR prices.


All donations are to be considered non-refundable and are greatly appreciated, which will go directly to our scotch and cigar/pipe tobacco fund. 🚬 🍻

Payment Links

Donation of 1 $ARRR

Donation of 10 $ARRR

Donation of 100 $ARRR

Donation of 1000 $ARRR

NOTE: Sending Pirate Chain ($ARRR) is completely anonymous, so if you click any of our payment request links and don't make any changes to the memo field, we won't know it's you that sent it to us. If however you do want us to know it was you who sent us the money, mention your name in the memo field of the transaction and say "Hi!" 🙂



You will need the following:

  • Acquire and provide your customer ID
  • Provide a return / refund Pirate Chain address
  • Properly edit the transaction memo field to reflect the information you must provide

Once submitted, you can then either

  1. Redeem the amount for our time by sending us the transaction ID
  2. Request a return / refund of the unredeemed amount back to the return / refund Pirate Chain address that you provided

DISCLAIMER: Your failure to follow this procedure will forfeit the funds to us without the possibility of refund. Simply sending funds for consulting time do not alone constitute an obligation to provide consulting services. Without prior agreement to provide said services, we reserve the right to return / refund said funds without providing said services.

Payment Links

One hour of consulting time (1000 $ARRR)

Eight hours of consulting time (8000 $ARRR)

40 hours of consulting time (40000 $ARRR)

Pirate Chain Wallet Address

If you do not yet have Treasure Chest v5.8.2 or later, we highly suggest you get it. Until then, you can manually copy/paste the wallet address from the QR code's caption, below. For mobile use, you can also simply use your Pirate Chain phone mobile wallet app to scan this QR code to auto-enter the wallet address in.

Pirate Chain wallet address: zs1x23mrva57nj7te8vuyzlajwkz7jmh9etmlngysvkxgma3yj7gqdnqqxgdje0gwnk85trg4ff5vs

This article was updated on July 16, 2024

