Cryptocurrency Privacy

A Tale of Too Big to Fail

We start out in life using government-issued currency, accepting endless abuses like taxes, inflation, bailouts, subsidies, etc. all on our dime. In 2008, during the financial crisis of "too big to fail", some crafty folks invented something called "Bitcoin."

The Squirrely Money-Nerds Prevail

At the time, Bitcoin was revolutionary in that, for the first time money could be purely exchanged directly between people, without needing banks or governments to act as trusted third-parties. Math was now to be the objective, replacement, trusted third-party. Bitcoin's goal was to replace cash in an online sense. Unfortunately, Bitcoin was only designed to be secure. Bitcoin was never designed with cash's privacy or anonymity. Using Bitcoin leaves you completely exposed, providing you with less privacy than a bank account. The government knows full well that criminals still largely use good, hard cash for their crimes.

Arcane Math Hides the Trail

Along came a company called Zcash, who merged the most advanced privacy-preserving mathematics and cryptography with the security of Bitcoin. Unfortunately, they made their technology privacy optional. This resulted in 99% of people using it without privacy, essentially reverting it to the equivalent of Bitcoin.

The Government Regulators Threaten Jail

Following this, a company called Komodo picked up where Zcash left off. After wrangling with government regulators while trying to get their privacy-oriented cryptocurrency listed on several online currency exchanges, they decided to split their cryptocurrency into two. The government was happy to let them list their cryptocurrecy version with zero privacy. However, some Komodo developers saw the opportunity of the other, privacy-oriented version of their cryptocurrency. So they decided to make their second version privacy-mandatory, and so was born "Pirate Chain" Cryptocurrency Privacy Coin.

The Pirate Ships Set Sail

Pirate Chain Cryptocurrency Privacy Coin is the only true privacy-preserving cryptocurrency. It uses Zcash's insanely advanced cryptographic "Zero Knowledge Proof" privacy technology. It will always have the biggest "anonymity set", due to each privacy-mandatory transaction enlarging the crowd of transactions your transaction hides in. The unique, portable, affordable hardware wallets now enable offline, cold-storage of the cryptographic private keys controlling your completely private cryptocurrency safely away from cybercriminals and snooping government eyes.

Trackless Are We, Over Hill and Dale

The combination of hardware wallets and decentralized cryptocurrency exchanges using "Atomic Swap" technology afford you unparalleled financial privacy and anonymity. This is even if you used a centralized cryptocurrency exchange, like Coinbase, to purchase some non-private cryptocurrency to eventually exchange for Pirate Chain Privacy Coin.

Overt Enigma, the Holy Grail

At first glance, this may seem like rocket science. In some ways, you're exactly right. However, these are the kinds of problems we eat for lunch. Let Overt Enigma help navigate you through these tricky, shark-infested waters to a paradise of freedom and liberty.

Please check out our other services listed above, to see more ways we can help you.

This article was updated on October 13, 2022

